Advanced soil engineering

Lecturer(s): Eric VINCENS
TC ⋅ 28 h


This course presents the design of the foundations of structures as well as the techniques for retaining soils in the works or final phase. It is based on knowledge of soil mechanics which should have been acquired through MOD2.6 or ELC-C6.


shallow foundations, deep foundations, retaining wall, reinforcement


Shallow foundations Deep foundations Retaining walls and soil reinforcement

Learning Outcomes

  • - how to analyze the data constraints of a geotechnical project - sizing a geotechnical system (foundation, reinforcement) - how to choose a technological solution


  • knowledge score: a final test with part without documents and part with documents

  • know-how score: reports from BE

  • MOS5.1 final score = 2/3 knowledge + 1/3 know-how