Organization and partners of Development Department

Created in 2022, the aim of the Major Transitions Development Department is to understand and assess levers for action, drive and lead projects, support change, enhance commitment and develop networking with its partners.

Major Transitions Development Department

The Direction du Développement des Grandes Transitions (DDGT) implements the sustainable development and social responsibility (DD&RS) policy.

The DDGT is made up of a director, a member of the Établissement's COMEX, two teachers in charge of CSR and digital issues, and a project manager.

The SD&RS Commission

The DD&RS commission supports the Major Transitions Development Department in its thinking and work. It is made up of teachers and teacher-researchers, staff and students.

Networks of referents and working groups participate in the development and realization of projects.

Implementing the SD&RS strategy

The master plan is implemented through annual action plans. These action plans are deployed by all departments. The DDGT monitors their implementation.

The annual report is presented to the Board of Directors, to staff at the general assembly and at DD&RS breakfasts bringing together students and staff members.


Academic players

  • ComUE - Université de Lyon: participation in the network of TEE correspondents
  • Groupe des Écoles Centrale: member of the SD&RS working group
  • CIRCES: member of the national network of higher education SD&RS managers

Socio-academic players

  • Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat: participation in the first promotion of the Lyon Basin
  • City of Lyon: member of Agora Lyon 2030, European "100 climate-neutral cities"
  • Métropole de Lyon: participation in the Plan Climat Air-Énergie-Climat Territorial