Training: anticipate, empower, include

Centrale Lyon's students will have a key role to play in supporting companies and the public sector in major transitions. The SD&CSR master plan focuses on integrating the knowledge and skills required to meet the challenges of major transitions into all degrees, as well as opening up to new audiences and promoting student commitment to SD&CSR.

Integrate SD&RS issues into initial and continuing training programs at all levels of graduation and certification.

students in training at centrale lyon


  • Transmit the knowledge essential to understanding the issues and meeting the challenges of major transitions.
  • Train our pupils and students in responsible engineering, drawing in particular on practical examples.
  • Ensure that our graduates have the knowledge and skills essential to meeting the challenge of major transitions whatever their training path.
  • Anticipate the needs of companies and local authorities for new profiles to support socio-economic change on SD&RS.
  • Accelerate transitions by providing essential knowledge and skills to employees working in companies and local authorities.
  • Multiply the impact by collaborating with the academic partners of the two Colleges, companies, local authorities and partner organizations.
  • Produce and disseminate teaching methods and tools on SD&RS.
  • Foster the exchange of experience and the upgrading of trainers' skills for continuous improvement in the integration of SD&RS issues into teaching paths.


  • Deploy lectures on carbon footprint calculation across all engineering, Bachelors and Masters curricula.
  • Evolve the opening course on ecological transition issues in the generalist engineering curriculum with the implementation of an assessment.
  • Launch the evolution of DD&RS courses in the common core of specialty engineering curricula.
  • Strengthen DD&RS training initiatives in the second and third years of the general engineering curriculum and in specialty engineering curricula.
  • Strengthen social responsibility themes and integrate biology training actions into engineering courses.
  • Propose DD&RS adaptations in master's degree mock-ups.
  • Integrate DD&RS consideration into internships and student mobility.
  • Present DD&RS adaptations to the pedagogical mock-up in improvement boards.
  • Evaluate the impact of adapting pedagogical mock-ups on student career paths.
  • Reflect on the skills and knowledge to be taught on regenerative engineering.
  • Codify training activities across all curricula and preparatory cycles.
  • Implement codification of student projects and conferences in engineering curricula.
  • Propose and implement a visualization of each student's DD&RS pathway.
  • Integrate students' perception of the DD&RS coding of all curricula into their assessment of teaching.
  • Create a degree on transitions with the Collège des Hautes Études Lyon Sciences.
  • Launch the Bachelor Mutations Technologiques Industrielles specializing in civil and environmental engineering.
  • Contribute to the creation of a new Bachelor's degree with the Collège d'ingénierie Lyon-Saint-Étienne.
  • Reflect on the creation of a new specialty engineering degree closely linked with DD&RS.
  • Develop new international partnerships on DD&RS themes.
  • Propose an Erasmus mundus master's degree focused on DD&RS.
  • Map the SD&RS expertise of lecturers and teacher-researchers, which can be translated into continuing education initiatives.
  • Codify continuing education modules in line with SD&RS issues.
  • Integrate the SD&RS dimension into existing training courses (particularly change management and awareness of issues).
  • Launch transdisciplinary training courses with the Collège des Hautes Études Lyon Sciences.
  • Launch training courses on one of the themes of the Collège d'ingénierie Lyon-Saint-Étienne.
  • Integrate DD&RS into trainees' assessment of training courses.
  • Develop a support offer for continuing education alumni and community animation (webinars, conferences, co-development, coaching...).
  • Propose a training offer on the theme of regenerative engineering.
  • Integrate DD&RS into the monitoring of pedagogical devices.
  • Reinforce existing WEEX themes and build additional themes, particularly with external partners.
  • Propose new pedagogical experiments around DD&RS, such as flipped classes.
  • Share good pedagogical practices within the Virtual University for Environment and Sustainable Development.
  • Implement DD&RS pedagogical seminars, in partnership with the Groupe des Écoles Centrale, the Collège d'ingénierie Lyon-Saint-Étienne and the Collège des Hautes Études Lyon-Sciences.
  • Propose co-development workshops on DD&RS pedagogy.
  • Develop pedagogical devices around regenerative engineering.
  • Implement a training course on regenerative engineering as part of the training of new lecturers and offer it to other training players as part of the Groupe des Écoles Centrale and the Collège d'ingénierie Lyon-Saint-Étienne.

Sustainable development goals concerned


Promoting the inclusion and fulfillment of all students

centrale lyon enise student group


  • Increase the diversity and social mix of the student population.
  • Assist students in material difficulty during their studies, including for their professional integration.
  • Improve integration, health, access to culture, well-being and good living together on campus for the full personal development of students.
  • Contribute to the training of responsible citizens by encouraging awareness of the issues outside of training activities and the realization of actions on SD&RS carried out by students.


  • Implement a policy of modulating tuition fees for the Mutations Technologiques Industrielles Bachelor's degree.
  • Implement a policy of modulating tuition fees for engineering degree courses.
  • Attribute scholarships based on social criteria and to young women in Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles in high schools in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and in our integrated preparatory classes with the introduction of mentoring by alumni.
  • Strengthen schemes to promote scholarship candidates or young women in recruitment competitions for the various courses.
  • Create a post-baccalaureate remedial year at the Collège d'Ingénierie Lyon-Saint-Étienne.
  • Study the strengthening of diversification of recruitment routes for engineering degrees.
  • Strengthen partnerships as part of the Cordées de la réussite and develop student involvement.
  • Create an internship program for 10th grade students.
  • Create bridges between Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications and higher education establishments.
  • Implement the Commission de vie associative on the Saint-Étienne campus.
  • Implement a life grant scheme financed by sponsorship.
  • Deploy the PEER CARE program (Programme d'Enseignement et d'Entraide au Repérage des Conduites A Risques).
  • Launch reflections with students on integration schemes.
  • Initiate job search support for Bachelor students.
  • Promote the ComUE Lyon Saint-Étienne Mental Health Center to our students.
  • Create a well-being module to develop psycho-social skills.
  • Launch reflection on the future of residence management on the Lyon-Écully campus.
  • Cooperate with CROUS to increase the number of vegetarian menus and short circuits on the Lyon-Écully campus.
  • Initiate a fast-food offer on the Saint-Étienne campus.
  • Study a change of schedule to facilitate access to CROUS from the Métare site in Saint-Étienne.
  • Initiate cultural referents to strengthen partnerships with local cultural institutions.
  • Propose a scheme to host artists in residence.
  • Improve student living spaces.
  • Strengthen sports facilities (citystadium, health trail on the Saint-Étienne campus).
  • Promote the installation of shared greenhouses and gardens in partnership with local authorities.
  • Co-construct joint actions between student associations and staff.
  • Develop a charter for student associations on their DD&RS commitment.
  • Launch the Transition Lab's call for projects to fund student-led DD&RS projects.
  • Implement initiatives arising from the working group on encouraging and valuing student civic engagement.
  • Accompany the training of student association leaders on DD&RS.
  • Implement DD&RS reporting by student associations on their DD&RS actions.
  • Think about a bonus system for student associations in connection with DD&RS activities.

Sustainable development goals concerned

DD&RS news

The Major Transitions Development Department and its stakeholders implement the establishment's sustainable development and corporate social responsibility policy through numerous actions and events.

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