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Governance: steering, training, mobilizing

The implementation of the SD&RSE master plan relies on political support from the school's management and guidance from all departments. To ensure successful implementation, it is vital to get teams on board through training, mobilization and recognition of the commitment of staff and students.

Formalize the SD&CSR strategy, integrate it into the establishment's management and mobilize human, technical and financial resources.

strategic workshop


  • Pursue strong ambitions on DD&RS by federating stakeholders around a shared vision, values and objectives.
    Function as a mission-driven establishment.
  • Pilot the continuous improvement of the Establishment by having a global multi-criteria vision of its DD&RS impacts and ensuring the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, transparency and scope of the actions carried out for all its missions.
  • Inform, share and embrace the ecosystem around DD&RS actions.
  • Be recognized as a model of a school committed to major transitions.


  • Co-construct the Établissement's reason for being with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Define the societal and environmental objectives the Establishment sets for itself.
  • Create a Mission Committee and implement the operating principles of a mission-driven Establishment, with a specific charter.
  • Organize annual seminars on SD&RS with stakeholders.
  • Adapt and formalize the operation of the Major Transitions Development Department, the SD&RS Commission and the coordination of the SD&RS strategy through networks of resource persons and working groups.
  • Set up a shared watch on transitions.
  • Apply for the DD&RS label.
  • Establish a green budget.
  • Integrate master plan actions into department action plans.
  • Create a table of master plan indicators and establish data steering.
  • Integrate DD&RS into quality procedures.
  • Integrate SD&RS into the Establishment's external communication plan and editorial line.
  • Develop the internal communication plan on SD&RS.
  • Develop a charter on responsible communication and best practices.

Sustainable development goals concerned

Promote and support the development of SD&RS skills and ensure good working conditions


  • Integrate SD&RS issues into the evolution of professions and jobs.
  • Accompany the awareness of all personnel and the rise in skills of each.
  • Advance professional practices with a better take into account of SD&RS issues.
  • Fight against all forms of discrimination and sexist and sexual violence and promote an approach of inclusion and well-being at work.
  • Prevent occupational risks and promote health at work.
  • Improve the quality of life and working conditions of personnel.


  • Elaborate a skills repository on SD&RS.
  • Enrich job mapping by integrating missions related to SD&RS.
  • Include the SD&RS dimension in the drafting of job descriptions as required.
  • Integrate SD&RS into recruitment, where appropriate, and support career development, particularly through training.
  • Include DD&RS in the annual objectives defined during interviews.
  • Value staff commitments to DD&RS and take this into account during promotion campaigns (local phase or ranking of those eligible for promotion).
  • Study the possibility of including DD&RS in the criteria for exceptional year-end bonuses.
  • Develop a multi-year awareness-raising plan on DD&RS.
  • Design the multi-year training plan integrating DD&RS.
  • Train relay persons via the onboarding session of the "Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat".
  • Launch the "Afternoons of Transition" training program.
  • Finalize the staff awareness campaign with the climate mural and the 2-tonne workshop.
  • Launch "business" training courses, in particular on responsible purchasing, green budgeting, eco-responsible management of green spaces, waste and cleaning of premises, digital sobriety, eco-responsible event organization.
  • Reinforce the mandatory SD&RS awareness-raising module for new arrivals.
  • Study the possibilities of mobilizing the Personal Training Account for SD&RS training and communicate with staff.
  • Revise the professional equality plan.
  • Implement new awareness-raising initiatives for all staff on discrimination, professional equality and gender-based and sexual violence.
  • Finalize the deployment of the professional risk assessment and implement a prevention action program.
  • Develop a collective approach to risk prevention with the help of the network of prevention assistants and consultative bodies dealing with issues of occupational risk prevention (F3SCT-F4SCT).
  • Study the consideration of emerging risks, particularly with the arrival of new technologies, and implement actions.

Sustainable development goals concerned

DD&RS news

The Major Transitions Development Department and its stakeholders implement the establishment's sustainable development and social responsibility policy through numerous actions and events.

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