
Lecturer(s): Waltraut WUNDER


In the 3rd year of studies the practice of a foreign language is obligatory. It is possible to choose German to continue the acquisition of the language. Level A2/B1: Reinforcement of bases. Use of language in a everyday and professional context. Learning about the culture of German-speaking countries.

  • Level B2+: Development of oral skills and learning about culture in the wider context. (debating)


Cross-cultural, Franco-German relations, project work, news topics, cross-disciplinary approach, culture, work life and exploration of German businesses, debating).


German level 3: This course enables the students to work on the four or even five skills : Written expression, reading comprehension, aural comprehension, oral expression (oral presentation) and conversational speaking. German level 4/5 (debating course): The debating course enables students who wish to explore the German language in a different way to practice their speaking on a more intense level. The debating course alternates between theory (exercices in rhetorical skills, pronunciation, verbal reasoning, work on various linguistic tools) and debates focused on various social and economic themes.

Learning Outcomes

  • CEFRL (from A1 to C2), all competences of expression and understanding, in level B2+ focus on oral skills (expression and understanding).
  • Being able to interact in personal and professional situations.
  • Developing cultural and cross-cultural skills.
  • Developing learning and memorising skills


Know-how N2 = continuous assessment and test(s) and/or final exam.