In the transportation and the energy-supply industry, a rigorous and reliable maintenance strategy shall be applied. In this course, the methods of control and health-monitoring will be described. Their advantages and limitations will be addressed and discussed. Some specific materials and technique dedicated to the structural health monitoring will be reviewed. The topic will be treated from the durability point of view, keeping in mind that the industrial goal is to increase the service-life and the overall operational condition efficiency of systems and structures.
structures surveillance ageing, material damages for structures signal processing wear and damage index
The SHM steps Measurement and sensor systems Composite material in aeronautics : application of the SHM Smart materials Damage models and predictive models
Learning Outcomes
- establishing a monitoring strategy
- identification of damage phenoma
- data analysis and compared studies
Final exam (knowledge - coeff. 0,3) Document analysis and practical exercises (know-how - coeff. 0,6) Practice (methodology - coeff. 0,1)