Coordinators: J.-P. Cloarec and T.Aka
This option offers a broad vision of energy in both its long term and its current industrial and social implications. It provides an understanding of how development policies are formulated and the supply and distribution channels are structured.
Indeed, the availability of sufficient energy at an affordable price is essential for the current and future growth of modern societies. While energy has been identified as one of the greatest challenges facing future generations, it has already become a great concern for the world today for industries and the general public (energy transition, environmental impacts).
This specialisation divides into two tracks from which the student chooses one: On-board energy (oil, gas, biofuels, hydrogen, heat pumps) or Infrastructure energy (networks, nuclear). The two tracks share the course called Thermal generation (co-generation, anaerobic digestion, photovoltaics, wood, wind, etc.).
To find out more, please see the programme for this option (in French).