Christian VOLLAIRE, Director.
Cyril BUTTAY, Deputy Director.
Under the aegis of
- École Centrale de Lyon
- Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- INSA Lyon
Fields of research
The management and rational use of energy in systems according to the setting (electrical engineering, electromagnetism, automation, environmental microbiology):
- Develop analysis and synthesis methods to design multi-physic systems that incorporate the restrictions on the command-control, reliability and environment.
- Advance fundamental concepts, methods and applications of bioengineering through the combination of electrical engineering, microsystem studies and biology.
- Create and optimise the devices for the transmission, distribution and conversion of electric power taking into account their environment.
Primary experiment facilities
- High-voltage test centre
- Electromagnetic compatibility test centre
- Environmental microbiology laboratory
- Characterisation test rigs for power components in commutation
- Fluid power test centre
- 45 kW diagnostic platform
- Environmental chamber for testing endurance and ageing
Fields of application
- Energy: high and medium voltage equipment, contactless energy transmission
- Transport, aeronautics
- Mobile and embedded systems
- Housing
- Environment
- Health: dosimetry of human exposure to electromagnetic fields
Écully, Villeurbanne.
Member of
Carnot Institute Engineering@Lyon
2 Laboratories of Excellence (LabEx)
- IMUST - Institute for Multiscale Science and Technology
- PRIMES - Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imagery and Simulation