New school year FAQ

9 results

  • Are healthcare expenses reimbursed to my parents or directly to me?

    • The student is the insured party. Any information relating to reimbursements will be sent personally to the student, through their AMELI account. If personal bank details have been provided, the reimbursements will be made to that bank account.

  • Do international students have to register with French social security?

    • Registration with social security is obligatory, except for European students with a European Health Insurance Card.

      The student must carry out this procedure themselves. Institutes can only provide information to students.

  • How much does social security cost?

    • Registration with social security is free for students. Students who are already registered do not need to do anything else, except send any documents required to update their file. International students must register at

      In any case, be warned that social security does not fully cover health expenses incurred. On average, you will be reimbursed about 70% of the public rate (some physicians and treatments cost more than this rate, even in public hospitals). We strongly advise all students to also take out supplementary health insurance cover, known in France as ‘mutuelle’.

  • I am an international student. Do I have to reside in France for 3 months before I can rely on my entitlements?

    • No, you are exempted from this condition. 

  • Now that there is no more student social security regime, where can I take out mutual insurance?

    • The student social security regime was operated by student mutual insurance companies that were delegated by the State. They still continue to offer insurance to students, as a supplement to State services.

      However, you are no longer obliged to seek insurance from a student mutual insurance company. There are other bodies that offer health cover (insurers, mutual insurance companies, banks, etc.) You should compare offers.

      Lastly, if you have problems accessing healthcare, you can benefit from the supplemental Universal Health Coverage (CMU) or complementary health assistance. Health insurance can also provide you with occasional and one-off financial aid. Find out more from the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM).

  • On what date are international students effectively registered with French social security?

    • It is the date of enrolment at the higher education institute, which cannot be before 1 September.

      Until then, you will not be able to take out mutual health insurance (supplementary insurance) because you will not be registered with social security. The only remaining option is to take out full insurance cover, which is more expensive. It is therefore in your interests to carry out all procedures as soon as possible.

  • To register for health insurance, I have been asked for a fully copy of my birth certificate (or a short-form birth certificate stating filiation or other consular document). Which consulate should I apply to?

    • Generally, to the French consulate based in the country where the document was issued.

  • What do students from EU/EEA Member States or from Switzerland have to do with regard to health insurance?

    • Students who are nationals of an EU/EEA Member State or of Switzerland must have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before coming to France. In this case, they must apply for it through the relevant channels. 

  • What is the difference between social security and mutual insurance?

    • The French social security regime reimburses about 70% of your incurred health expenses, subject to the prices regulated under social security, production of a doctor's note, use of generic medication, etc.

      It is highly recommended to take out supplementary insurance to be more fully covered. This is particularly important for hospitalisations.

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