New school year FAQ

93 results

  • I still have not received my grant money. What should I do?

    • Firstly, check the document on the web portal.

      If it is a notice from the Lyon CROUS, your situation has to be checked with them.

      If it is a different CROUS and a transfer has been completed, send us the new notice through the web portal ( or depending on your situation). We will then be able to check your registration with them, which should release payment.

      If it is a different CROUS but the transfer has not yet been performed, check that you have carried out all necessary steps at your end. You will not receive any payment until you join the Lyon CROUS. Remember to upload onto the portal your new notice showing you are now with Lyon CROUS. This will allow us to validate payment.

  • I was properly enrolled for doctoral studies during the previous academic year, but I will defend my thesis between 01/09 and 31/12. Do I have to pay the CVEC for this new academic year?

    • No. You are not obliged to pay the CVEC if you are completing your studies in a period overrunning the original academic year and you do not have to pay any enrolment fees for the new academic year.

  • I will be receiving a grant that exempts me from paying the CVEC, but I still have not received official confirmation of it. What should I do?

    • You should enrol through the website, and you will have to pay the contribution. Once you receive the confirmation, you can apply for a refund.

  • I will be staying at the Comparat residence. Could I have a summary of the arrival process and the people I may need to contact?

    • Before coming, make sure that you have received a positive response from the residence (confirmation email). If not, call the number stated on the admitted student document. You can collect keys Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, starting from Thursday 24 August 2023.

      For information on how to get to École Centrale de Lyon, visit Getting to the campus. The reception desk of the residence is located on the ground floor of building X (rdc 51 Chemin des Mouilles 69130 Ecully).

      You will be welcomed by the residence supervisor and 2nd year students from the Residence Bureau (BDR). The BDR will help you choose the room on the floor that suits you. There are different floors according to tastes and personality, such as V45 mountain/ski, U56 music, etc.

      The supervisor will go through the administrative formalities with you: collection of the ID photo, bank details, photocopy of your passport or ID card, collection of the €500 security deposit plus the first month’s rent, handover of keys and inventory checklist (make sure to note any damage, the institute will use this inventory to check the state of your room when you depart).

  • I wish to change a document uploaded to the enrolment website. How do I do this?

    • While Student Affairs has not validated your file, you can log in to modify any documents you provided.

  • I would like to arrive at the Comparat residence during the weekend, is this possible?

    • No, the residence can only receive new lodgers from Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. To stay during the weekend, you must arrive before 4pm on the Friday before.

  • I would like to pay online although I chose a different payment method. How do I do this?

    • Our system does not allow us to modify the payment method. You can pay by card at the start of term or by any other available methods.

  • I'm an apprentice. Can my company reimburse me for the CVEC?

    • Yes, but it's not an obligation for the company.

  • I'm an apprentice. Do I really have to pay the CVEC?

    • Yes, students preparing a higher education diploma through apprenticeship are subject to the CVEC pursuant to Article L.841-5 of the Education Code, which stipulates that "the contribution is due each year by students when they register for initial training in a higher education institution" and that apprenticeship is one of the modalities of initial training.

      Furthermore, the CVEC is a tax which cannot be assimilated to a registration fee or a royalty.

      Students enrolled on a vocational training contract are part of continuing education and training and are not subject to this tax.

  • I'm going to take a gap year.What steps do I have to take?

    • You must finalize your gap-year agreement and register with our school. The registration fees are reduced for the gap year.

      If you follow an other training course (Digital Lab), you will also have to pay the corresponding fees for these additional courses.

  • I'm in gap year. Do I really have to be here on the first day of school?

    • The start dates are only for students who will have a pedagogical activity on campus. However, do not forget to register.

  • I'm signing up for a gap year. Do I have to pay the CVEC?

    • Yes since you are enrolled in initial training in a higher education institution and are therefore subject to payment of the CVEC (see circular n°2019-030 of 10 April 2019 published in BOESRI n°15 of 11 April 2019).

  • If I apply for accommodation in mid-August, will I still be able to receive a room at the Comparat residence?

    • You can send the application in mid-August, but it is best to send it once you have definitively accepted the institute’s offer to enrol.

      First year students are given priority, subject to availability and on a first come first served basis.

      Download the accommodation choice form.

  • If I have a room at the Adoma residence, can I apply for the APL (Personalised Accommodation Allowance)?

    • Yes, the studios allow you to apply for the APL. It will depend on your personal circumstances and eligibility.

  • If I have a room at the Comparat residence, can I apply for the APL (Personalised Accommodation Allowance)?

    • It is not actually the APL but the ALS (Social Accommodation Allowance) that you can apply for. To give you an idea, depending on your personal circumstances and eligibility, the monthly allowance to grant holders and non-grant holders in 2020 is €112 and €86 respectively. You can perform a simulation on the CAF website. To make sure you do not lose any entitlements, carry out the online procedures as soon as possible.

  • In the Comparat residence, is there a bedside lamp or desk light?

    • No, but there are three wall-mounted lights. Two on one side, and the third opposite.

  • In what year do students take a year out for placements? On the website, it states at the end of the first year, is this right?

    • For students enrolled in the initial engineering training program, the gap year takes place at the end of the second year. A gap year at the end of 1st year, although exceptional, is provided for by the school curriculum.

      For other courses, please refer to the school regulations.

  • Is it OK to send my accommodation application in mid-August to have a room at the Adoma residence?

    • For 1st year students (entering September) applying for Adoma, we suggest you send your application as soon as you have the results of the competitive examination; in general, rooms are all booked by the first week of August! Apply using the choice of residence form as soon as possible.

  • Is it possible to postpone the cashing of the cheque that I have sent? / Are the cheques given at the start of the year all cashed in September?

    • Under public accounting rules, cheques are cashed on receipt.

      For clubs and societies, please ask them during the welcome for the new academic year to find a solution.

  • Is there a car park at the Comparat residence?

    • Yes, there are many parking spaces around the four buildings of the residence.

  • Is there a microwave in the rooms of the Adoma residence? If not, is it allowed to bring one?

    • There are no microwaves in the rooms at Adoma, but you are allowed to bring one.

      Are not allowed in the rooms: electric heating, air conditioning, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher... (Charges are included in the rent and there is no individual meter, so not everything is allowed). This type of device should be removed immediately.

  • Is there an oven in the shared kitchens of the Comparat residence?

    • No, but it is possible to rent mini ovens via the 24/7 rental service within the residence.

  • Is there any equipment not allowed in the rooms at the Comparat residence? Is there a limit on electricity consumption?

    • The internal regulation of the Comparat residence states that no household appliances are allowed in the rooms. However, a kettle or coffee maker is permissible.

  • My enrolment was cancelled. Can I get a refund for the CVEC?

    • Yes, provided that, in the end, you are not enrolled in any initial education at a higher education institute.

      However, if you dropped out, no refund is possible.

  • Now that there is no more student social security regime, where can I take out mutual insurance?

    • The student social security regime was operated by student mutual insurance companies that were delegated by the State. They still continue to offer insurance to students, as a supplement to State services.

      However, you are no longer obliged to seek insurance from a student mutual insurance company. There are other bodies that offer health cover (insurers, mutual insurance companies, banks, etc.) You should compare offers.

      Lastly, if you have problems accessing healthcare, you can benefit from the supplemental Universal Health Coverage (CMU) or complementary health assistance. Health insurance can also provide you with occasional and one-off financial aid. Find out more from the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM).

  • On SCEI I choose "yes but". Is the registration done normally? Can I still take a room in a university residence?

    • You must follow the normal registration procedure at the School, as if you had chose a "definitive yes". If your first wish becomes free, you will be able to cancel. It is advisable to wait until the back-to-school day to make the payment. In any case, a refund will be made in case of withdrawal (with the exception of 23 € for administration fees).

  • On the institute's website, it says there are student jobs on campus. Where can I get more information?

    • Small student jobs are offered by the campus administration.

      All job offers are issued at the start of the year and the information is included in the different notices. These student jobs are for only a few hours per week and paid at the minimum wage.

      If you would like to find work as a tutor or babysitter, such offers are available through societies and on MyECL (access is possible once you have your login details from the new academic year welcome).

  • On what date are international students effectively registered with French social security?

    • It is the date of enrolment at the higher education institute, which cannot be before 1 September.

      Until then, you will not be able to take out mutual health insurance (supplementary insurance) because you will not be registered with social security. The only remaining option is to take out full insurance cover, which is more expensive. It is therefore in your interests to carry out all procedures as soon as possible.

  • The enrolment website is closed. Is this normal?

    • The enrolment website is suspended during school closing period. Emails will not be answered during this period. When École Centrale de Lyon reopens, files and correspondence will be handled according to each person's term start and those files deemed priority for the new academic year. Please be patient, all files will be processed. 

  • There have been changes to my file and I have a payment schedule. What should I do?

    • If you have started to pay, it is impossible to cancel the next pending payment.

      You can settle the total with the accounting officer (all payments) or by cheque, bank transfer, money order (see Payment Methods Guide). Otherwise, the payment schedule will remain applicable.

      If you have not started to pay, contact ECL’s Collection Office to adjust your file.

  • To register for health insurance, I have been asked for a fully copy of my birth certificate (or a short-form birth certificate stating filiation or other consular document). Which consulate should I apply to?

    • Generally, to the French consulate based in the country where the document was issued.

  • What are the conditions for paying in three instalments?

    • This option is given at the time of the online enrolment. Payments will be close to identical and spread over three consecutive months.

      Example: annual cost for an engineering student – €2,500:

      • 1st payment in September: €834
      • 2nd payment in October: €833
      • 3rd payment in November: €833

      For all enquiries relating to payment schedules, please contact ECL’s Collections Office.

  • What are the other cases for reimbursement of the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)?

    • If you fall into one of the categories that exempts you from paying the contribution, you can apply for reimbursement of the contribution. You must apply before 31 May of the relevant academic year through the website

      If you abandon enrolment and obtain cancellation of your place after having paid the CVEC, you can apply for a refund using a certificate from the institute proving abandonment of your enrolment.

      On the other hand, if you leave your course during the year, no refund for your payment will be possible.

  • What do students from EU/EEA Member States or from Switzerland have to do with regard to health insurance?

    • Students who are nationals of an EU/EEA Member State or of Switzerland must have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before coming to France. In this case, they must apply for it through the relevant channels. 

  • What is supplied in the kitchens at the Comparat residence? What should I bring with me?

    • The Comparat residence supplies microwaves, fridges and cooking hobs. You should bring your own kitchen utensils and crockery: plates, cutlery, pots and pans. Depending on the floor, the residents will decide to share them or not. Some kitchens are better equipped than others. An hourly rental service for kitchen equipment is also available 24/7.

  • What is the difference between social security and mutual insurance?

    • The French social security regime reimburses about 70% of your incurred health expenses, subject to the prices regulated under social security, production of a doctor's note, use of generic medication, etc.

      It is highly recommended to take out supplementary insurance to be more fully covered. This is particularly important for hospitalisations.

  • What should I do if I am unable to confirm my online payment?

  • When am I actually enrolled in École Centrale de Lyon?

    • The issuance of the attendance certificate and student card or sticker officially confirm your enrolment. Enrolment will not be definitive until enrolment fees have been fully paid.

  • When confirming my enrolment, I asked to receive a copy of my file by email, but I still have not received it. Is this normal?

    • The message was probably directed to your spam folder. Check your email folders. In any event, you can look at your file by logging in again.

  • When I log in, it says that no course is open. Is this normal?

    • Check your situation in the opening schedule for enrolments. If the opening date for enrolments has passed, please contact Student Affairs to verify your situation.

  • Where can I find a list of first year subjects?

  • Where can I find the holiday dates for the academic year?

    • They will be placed on the Intranet at the start of term. 

  • Which students are exempt from paying the CVEC?

    • Article L. 841-5 of the French Education Code states that ‘students who hold, for the academic year in which the contribution is payable, a higher education grant or annual allowance awarded under the student aid schemes mentioned in Article L. 821-1 of this code shall be exempt from the payment of this contribution.’

      The relevant grants are those paid by any government ministry as well as those allocated by regional councils to students enrolled in paramedical and medico-social programmes. Similarly, the exemption is extended to students holding a grant awarded by a public higher education institute or education grant paid out of public funds.

      Students holding a French Government Grant (BGF) are exempt from paying the CVEC. However, grants from foreign governments (BGE) do not exempt the student from paying the CVEC.

      Any student who is exempt from the CVEC but mistakenly pays it may apply for a reimbursement. The application must be done online through, by 31 May of the academic year for which they paid the CVEC.

      Under a special rule, reimbursement of the CVEC is available to students undertaking education in prison who have paid the CVEC for their enrolment in a higher education institute.

      See also ‘Do international students have to pay the CVEC?

Did you read the FAQ but couldn’t find an answer to your question in the list? Send your question to us using the contact form at the right. Remember, your message will be processed faster if you use the right contact information!