Égalité, mixité, diversité

Gender equality

A charter for equality

Building on its humanist and civic commitment, École Centrale de Lyon signed the "Charter for Equality between Women and Men in Higher Education and Research Establishments" on July 9, 2013.

It thus undertakes to take a stand on the principles of gender equality, to make them known and to implement them, both among students and staff (administrative, teaching, research). This commitment takes many forms: use of gender-neutral internal and external communication tools, raising awareness of gender equality among students and staff, actions to implement gender diversity in all the School's bodies (including student associations), development of a policy to make science and technology courses more attractive, combating discrimination and gender-based and sexual violence, etc.

An action group

The "Centr'L" group is led by an equality advisor and comprises students, former students, teacher-researchers and administrative staff. It is responsible for coordinating discussions and actions to encourage changes in practices and representations. For example, it organizes a week of awareness-raising events around International Women's Rights Day on March 8.

National partnerships

The school participates in various nationally coordinated think tanks, such as the CGE. It also works closely with associations such as "Elles Bougent", with which a partnership was signed in March 2013. The association's aim is to encourage women to enter the engineering professions in the space, aeronautics, transport and digital sectors, where there is a shortage of female talent.

The School also exchanges with associations such as Femmes Ingénieurs (FI), Alliance pour la Mixité en Entreprise (AME), Women In Nuclear (WIN), the Collectif de lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel dans l'enseignement supérieur (CLASHES), Femmes d'ici et d'ailleurs...

Raising awareness

A charter on the prevention of sexist and sexual harassment has been co-written by the students and the School. It is signed by students at the beginning of the year. Since 2019, this charter has made it possible to include a prevention action in the students' curriculum from the start of the school year. A listening unit has also been set up.

As part of our policy to make scientific studies more attractive to young women, a "discovery course" has been set up to introduce middle-school students in their 3rd year to scientific studies.

As for administrative and teaching staff, the School is building an "Action Plan for Professional Equality between Women and Men" in consultation with staff and their representatives, coordinated by the Ministry.

Who to contact?

The mission is headed by two leads. You can contact them with any questions you may have.