WEEX : Waste and pollution - S5-S6-S7

Lecturer(s): Andrea MAFFIOLI, Frédéric DUBREUIL, Jean-Pierre CLOAREC


The WEEX DEPOL is a 5-day project to be conducted in teams of 7 students. Each team conducts an environmental investigation to determine the causes of a public health problem, using fluid mechanics, mathematics and environmental chemistry.


pollution; waste; circular economy ; fluid mechanics; chemistry; materials;


The concepts used are: transport of pollutants (see Fluid Mechanics course); modeling and numerical simulation (see Mathematics course); deposition and speciation of pollutants in the environment, toxicology concepts.

Learning Outcomes

  • Dare: actively contribute to the smooth running of the working session in groups by a good balance between active listening and participation; take care of your language, adapt your communication to others; express yourself assertively: affirms your point of view while respecting differences of opinion.
  • Knowing oneself, building oneself: analyze a situation based on the concepts of personal resources (strengths, values, motivations, etc.), emotional intelligence and self-esteem to be aware of your preferred modes of functioning and the diversity of behavioural profiles.
  • Represent and model: identify and prioritize the physical phenomena involved in pollution, and put them in equation; formulate and justify strong assumptions to identify the limitations of the model.
  • Think and act in an unpredictable and uncertain environment: identify linkages to show the diversity of pollution mechanisms taking place at different spatial and/or temporal scales.