Physics for Information Technology

Lecturer(s): Anne-Segolene CALLARD
Course ⋅ 16 hPW ⋅ 4 hStudy ⋅ 8 h


Over the past two decades, the rapid evolution of quantum systems engineering has paved the way to new forms of processing and transmission of information. At the crossroads of quantum mechanics, computer science, information theory and engineering, the development of quantum computers allows to consider solutions to problems that seemed impossible to solve with a classical approach. The objective of the course aims at understanding the challenges linked to the developments of quantum information and at perceiving in what extent they can modify the current landscape of information processing.


Qubit, superposition, entanglement, quantum cryptography, teleportation, quantum computer, photons, superconducting junctions.


  1. Introduction, complexity of an algorithm, class of a problem, promises of quantum information, limits. Quantum superiority. What can we solve with a quantum calculator?
  2. Quantum mechanics, postulates, notion of Qubit, Cryptography 3 Two-Qubit system, intricacies-correlations, EPR paradox
  3. Teleportation, indistinguishability, decoherence, limits.
  4. Calculations: quantum gates
  5. Quantum algorithms
  6. Physical implementations: the qubit photon
  7. The superconducting qubit, today's quantum computer today

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the concept of quantum superiority and identify the advantages of quantum computing, its limits
  • Describe the main platforms envisaged to implement qubits,
  • Explain the principles of the main quantum algorithms and their interests.
  • Describe the evolution of a qubits system through a quantum logic gate.


Score = 50% knowledge + 50% know-how Knowledge score = final exam Know-how score = 40% TP mark + 60% BE mark (oral presentation).