Business development 1

Lecturer(s): Marie GOYON
TC ⋅ 28 h


Train pilots of innovative projects in companies, able to meet the challenges of tomorrow, systemic changes, whether in the environment, the economy, the social… Innovations that can address these cross-cutting issues cannot focus on a one-discipline approach. The approach focuses on the project: learning by doing, DIY and DIWO: students work in project groups on topics proposed by companies. Approach to open innovation, its different configurations and ecosystems. Deepening of the methods and postures seen in IIE.


intrapreneurship, innovation, piloting project


Training by the project, in teams, from a «brief», subject given by the company. Course modules, coaching and application on project. Internal collaboration with company project team (appointment, meetings, visits...). Course: deepening Profession IIE. (Design thinking, Buisness models, Field surveys, actor networks...). Complementary contributions in Open innovation (testimonials, case studies). Prototyping, fablab.

Learning Outcomes

  • Know how to evaluate the desirability, feasibility and viability of a concept and solution. Iteration, testing, prototyping.
  • Know how to lead a team, work in an interdisciplinary context, manage an innovative project. Dialogue, agility, médiation, management.
  • Know how to lead a team, work in an interdisciplinary context, manage an innovative project. Dialogue, agility, médiation, management.


Report and oral evaluations