Soil mechanics

Lecturer(s): Eric VINCENS, Francesco FROIIO
Course ⋅ 14 hTC ⋅ 14 hAutonomy ⋅ 4 h


This module aims to lay the essential background of Fundamental Soil Mechanics essential to geotechnician to understand and predict the behavior of a complex multiphase (air, water, solid) material : soil. It makes the link with Solid Mechanics (UE MSS), of which he shows a concrete application. It is notably intended for future students of the Ecological Transition & Territories option.

Palabras clave

sand, clay, hydraulic, shear, consolidation, limit analysis, support


1 - Physical characteristics and classification of soils. 2 - Soil hydraulics 3 - Consolidation of fine soils 3.1 - Oedometric test 3.2 - Consolidation settlements 4 - Resistance of soils to shearing 4.1 - Shear tests 4.2 - Stress paths 5 - Limit analysis - thrust and earth stop

Learning Outcomes

  • know how to calculate - the physical and mechanical properties of soils - soil settlements due to the presence of a structure on the site - hydraulic flows and under-pressures under structures - a stress field in a soil


know-how score: 10min MCQs at the start of the session in continuous assessment knowledge score: final test with part "with documents" and other "without document"

final grade of the module: 67% knowledge + 33% know-how