Discrete event systems

Lecturer(s): Emmanuel BOUTLEUX, Anton KORNIIENKO
Course ⋅ 8 hTC ⋅ 4 hPW ⋅ 16 hAutonomy ⋅ 4 h


Many industrial processes are working through a discrete time operation sequence. Flexible production units or manufacturing lanes composed what is called discrete event systems and are controlled by logical loops.

First the aim is to handle a set of specifications for such a close-loop process and to build up the control part of the loop. Industrial applications are nowadays mainly embedded in a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

The other aim is to discover and learn how to use Petri netwotk tool so as to model part or totality of a close-loop discrete process. The model can be used to check the close-loop behaviour by properties analysis or simulation.


Programmable Logic Controller, Behavior modelisation, Sequential fonctional chart, performances checking, Petri networks


• Control of continuous systems and discrete event systems • Programmable Logic Controller and GRAFCET langage (also called Sequential Functional Chart – SFC) • Petri networks (principles, most used structures, property analysis)

Learning Outcomes

  • To modelise discrete event systems behavior
  • To use a model so as to check and compare performances
  • To know a conventional programming language for PLC
  • To be aware of PLc singularities


Final mark is composed with 50% individual writing test + 50% based upon practical activities.