Research, development and innovation engineer

Coordinator: J. Penuelas

This course provides students with the fundamental skills of an engineer involved in research, development and innovation, along with knowledge of current major issues (water and energy scarcity, information flow management, developing countries, etc.).

Students are introduced to creativity techniques along with research projects through case studies, while being enlightened about the current research context and its national and international organisations. A conscientious reflection on the concepts of progress and innovation is also broached.

The course revolves around three modules taken in the form of lectures and topic-focused classes (innovation, business competitiveness, research project management, creativity, philosophy). Students are also tasked with creating a bid in response to a call for research proposals financed by the EC.

Career prospects: positions in research and development at SMEs or large industrial groups or in academic research (lecturer-researchers), as well as public research centres such as the CNRS, INRETS or INSERM.

To find out more, please see the programme for this profession (in French).