Ecological Transition and Territories option

Coordinators: A.Emmanuelli and E. Vincens

At a time when the ecological transition is inviting human beings to reconcile themselves with their natural environment and to think of a new relationship with the city, the challenges posed by territorial planning require us to imagine new practices that are both sustainable and resilient. 

In all the fields of the urban biosphere, the city has become the indicator of the challenges facing human beings: more energy-efficient housing, more gentle mobility that respects air quality, more intelligent development for optimised use of resources and control of their negative effects.

The option thus proposes three streams to establish a diagnosis of the existing situation, to understand the opportunities and the solutions for the development problem.

Three scales of action are proposed and will be brought into dialogue within the framework of a common option project: the habitat, the city and finally the territories.

This option offers the following tracks to choose from: "Sustainable housing", "Sustainable city and development", "Buildings and infrastructures".

To find out more, please see the programme for this option (in French).