Julien Fontaine


Julien Fontaine graduated in Engineering in 1996 and obtained his PhD in Materials Science in 2000, both from École Centrale de Lyon. As a CNRS Researcher at the Tribology and System Dynamics Laboratory (LTDS), his activities are devoted to the understanding of the relations between tribological phenomena in dry contacts and surface properties, including mechanics and chemical reactivity. His work addresses solid lubrication, including superlubricity, and wear protection. Materials of interest are especially Diamond-Like carbon coatings and related materials, as well as nanostructured nitride-based coatings. These research activities led him to be involved in several international collaborations and to experience several stays abroad, in the US (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Argonne National Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania) or in Japan (Tohoku University). He is currently heading the International Associated Laboratory (LIA) ELyT Global, between Université de Lyon and Tohoku University.